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Thunderhill East & West

Track Days - OnGrid

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Thunderhill East & West

  • Thunderhill Raceway Park 5250 California 162 Willows, CA, 95988 United States (map)
Event Pricing
Early Bird $230 Ends 4/28/25 11:59pm pst or 33% of Event Sold
Normal $270 Ends 5/15/25 11:59pm pst or 66% of Event Sold
Late Bird $300 Ends 5/24/25 11:59pm pst or 99% of Event Sold
Super Late Bird $425 Available until 5/26/25

On May 27, 2024, OnGrid heads to Thunderhill Raceway Park. The concept is simple, one ticket gets you access to both tracks as they're ran individually. The event is all about good vibes, driving, hanging out with friends, and being involved in the party. We will have a full day on each track. If you think you can handle it, we invite you to drive all day!

  • This is NOT a 5-mile event.

  • Both race tracks will run concurrently but separately.

  • All drivers welcome

  • 18+ to drive or ride as a passenger in any vehicle (We allow 16+ on a case-by-case basis. Please email us at

  • Passengers: Allowed

  • Transponders: Not Available

Earlier Event: May 23
The Ridge Motorsports Park
Later Event: July 25
The Ridge Motorsports Park